Thursday, November 21, 2013

killingrobot Pentagon Exploring Robot Killers That Can Fire on Their Own

This is MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotics System) a automated device designed to find kill targets independly. Once stocked and armored it can roam and perform tasks independantly. based on its peograming It is currently being worked on and tested by the US military. It is supposed to be ready for the field by 2020. Experts are concerned about it firing of its own mind but has been tested to only fire on "theating" targets. thus is not definate until the get real field action.

Monday, November 18, 2013

We all know the world isn't perfect and people are quick to point out the flaws. It's easy with all the war, hunger, crime and injustices that go on everyday. Everyone says they want it different but noone seems to want to take any action towards it. We can all help by running with the mainstream methods like donating time and money but some for some things it is necessary to act outside the box. Look at Gandhi, to which these words belong. He didn't like what was going on around him and instead of complaining he led a large spread protest so his thoughts could become actions. If you want real change you must go beyond the norm and get your hands dirty in real problems. This is summed up in another quote by Gandhi, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3d printer

Cubify 3d Systems has developed and is marketing an at home, domestic 3d printer. You simply design whatever you want (in a 6 inch cubed space) and the printer will create it in the real world. This is possible through the layering of liquid plastic to form your desired shape The most advanced version can print in up to 3 colors at once with 18 in total. It alsows you to makeYou can even use their free app to scan and print out your face or anything else in your environment.  The cheapest is available at $1300, able to print in one color for domestic purposes. This goes up to the professional $4000 model able to in 3 colors in the greatest detail possible. Refillable cartridge are also available for $50, allowing around 15 normal prints.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Injured boy stands in ruins of family home - 10 November

Of course the storm in the philippines was devastating and was very bad for everyone there. Hundereds are reported dead with over half a million displaced. People are currently struggling to find food. It's thought that up to ten thousand could be dead by the end. I think it puts an awful bias as it was a major event that might have killed thousands and it isn't major news. The football player who called another player a racial slur got more news time than it. We had a storm a year ago that killed nearly nobody and you never stop hearing about it. It's because it took place in America that it's all of a sudden a horrible tragedy while much worse things elsewhere are unheard of. It is good to hear that help is being sent though. The Us, the Uk, the majority of europe and the UN are all sending support. We can raise money here for the victoms. we can even help out with larger projects as they will be around and will be happy for the help.