Thursday, December 12, 2013

Noodle Making Robot

Noodle Making Robots

This robot, created by the restaurateur Cui Runguan, is designed to slice cuts of noodles from large pastry blocks. It is designed to be as efficient as a person but as a lower cost. It works like windshield wipers, slicing up and down to grade the block and drop the fresh noodles into boiling water. It is thought to soon replace noodle cooks in restaurants and factories alike. It is not only cheaper and more efficiently than a person but is a crowd pleaser as well. It sells for two thousand US dollars with three thousand units sold.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


CUBE Works and Maywa Denki, devoloped this is a simple musical instrument that anyone can use. It is as simple as sliding your finger up and down the neck to produce sound. The pitch gets higher and lower depending on where you slide your finger. Squeezing the head will produce different varyating tones that blend with the rest. If you want it to be heard it plugs into soeakers and headphones for the silent performances. it's simple design and use allows kids (and big kids) to master it with ease.  It comes in a clildrens size a deluxe, adult size and minis if you like it small. They're alailible from $10 for the mins to up to $80-$100 for the professional ones.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to? They appealed to my interests. 2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them? More or less 3. Which sites were your favorites? BBC News, 4. What else can you use RSS feeds for? share sites with people 5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future? I might actually, they're very useful

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


For Twitter and education, it is probably best used as a place to group view and store info. The class can have a Twitter accoount and people can view and tweet assignments all on one place. Instead of having 20 individual blogs to check under a hashtag you can see all the assighnments at once and see how they stack up together. It is much easier to see who did the work when they are all together to compare. People are also more familiar with it and will naught have to be taught how to use it either

Thursday, November 21, 2013

killingrobot Pentagon Exploring Robot Killers That Can Fire on Their Own

This is MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotics System) a automated device designed to find kill targets independly. Once stocked and armored it can roam and perform tasks independantly. based on its peograming It is currently being worked on and tested by the US military. It is supposed to be ready for the field by 2020. Experts are concerned about it firing of its own mind but has been tested to only fire on "theating" targets. thus is not definate until the get real field action.

Monday, November 18, 2013

We all know the world isn't perfect and people are quick to point out the flaws. It's easy with all the war, hunger, crime and injustices that go on everyday. Everyone says they want it different but noone seems to want to take any action towards it. We can all help by running with the mainstream methods like donating time and money but some for some things it is necessary to act outside the box. Look at Gandhi, to which these words belong. He didn't like what was going on around him and instead of complaining he led a large spread protest so his thoughts could become actions. If you want real change you must go beyond the norm and get your hands dirty in real problems. This is summed up in another quote by Gandhi, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3d printer

Cubify 3d Systems has developed and is marketing an at home, domestic 3d printer. You simply design whatever you want (in a 6 inch cubed space) and the printer will create it in the real world. This is possible through the layering of liquid plastic to form your desired shape The most advanced version can print in up to 3 colors at once with 18 in total. It alsows you to makeYou can even use their free app to scan and print out your face or anything else in your environment.  The cheapest is available at $1300, able to print in one color for domestic purposes. This goes up to the professional $4000 model able to in 3 colors in the greatest detail possible. Refillable cartridge are also available for $50, allowing around 15 normal prints.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Injured boy stands in ruins of family home - 10 November

Of course the storm in the philippines was devastating and was very bad for everyone there. Hundereds are reported dead with over half a million displaced. People are currently struggling to find food. It's thought that up to ten thousand could be dead by the end. I think it puts an awful bias as it was a major event that might have killed thousands and it isn't major news. The football player who called another player a racial slur got more news time than it. We had a storm a year ago that killed nearly nobody and you never stop hearing about it. It's because it took place in America that it's all of a sudden a horrible tragedy while much worse things elsewhere are unheard of. It is good to hear that help is being sent though. The Us, the Uk, the majority of europe and the UN are all sending support. We can raise money here for the victoms. we can even help out with larger projects as they will be around and will be happy for the help.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Life Straw

The LifeStraw, (also avalible as the LifeStraw Family) is a straw like device through which the user can received clean drink water. It's as simple as drinking through it as is filtered within. They are water filters designed by the Swiss-based Vestergaard Frandsen for people living in developing nations. It supposedly is able to filter 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria and 99.9% of parasites.The LifeStraw Family, a larger unit designed for family use, also filters out 99.99% of viruses. It is supposed to be able to provide one person enough drinking water for one year with the family providing for a family of five for up to three years. These units were distributed during 2010 during the Haiti earthquake and after floods in Thailand and Pakistan. It is currently available for $20 and the family for $100.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wikis can be used to live share and edit content. In english it could be used to live edit a paper together. In science you can organize and sort your research. this way anyone can edit the information up to the minute without creating multiple copies. We already use them in Social Studies to post and edit papers live with a group. Many sites like wikispaces let anyone with an account make one and we can make one for this class

Monday, October 28, 2013

Invisible Man

If I could be invisible for a day I would probably try to perform as many good deeds as possible. (After some personal fun) I would try to do as much as I could. Preventing murders, stopping train crashes and rescuing babies will be the norm. Everywhere I would go I would leave a symbol, a symbol to show the people the invisible man was here.

Once the day is over and I am (or not) on the news everywhere, I would pas on the cloak to someone else, someone I trust. They would continue my work after me and I would be come the unsung hero of the city. I would further advice all my replacements and make sure my name was going to good use. It would be an underground icon and nobody would dare do wrong out of fear of the man and it would forever be a symbol of good doing.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My class

If I had the ability to create the course of my choice it would probably be in movie watching and reviewing. It would be held in the theater with the projector projecting the "lessons". Each period will have a theme, maybe a genre or period of time. I would show movies relating to the subject each week and come back around for a major test at the end.

It would begin by first having a lesson and reviewing the subject. We would then take three days to watch a movie of the subject, carefully analyzing and noting how they relate to the subject. We would then fill out a worksheet to review what we watched. We would then have an informal assessment on Friday and another movie of the subject on Monday.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Finder Device

Desperately Need: Finder App

Finder, conceived by Chu Wang, Yonghua Zhang, Qiujin Kou and Qian Yin is a smartphone-like device to help you find lost items. With the help of RFID tracking (small stickers) you can get step by step directions to find anything. You simply put the stickers on commonly lost items. name it and it can find it from anywhere. It is not currently for sale but would certainly be very useful for people like me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


For seventh period class I have Ms. Sistarenik. She teaches Biology, Forensics, Genetics, and Biotechnology.She has a Bachelors of Science from Montclair State University and a Masters in Education from Marygrove College. She is currently out on maternity leave and Mrs. Pielech is there in her place.  

I personally enjoy how we usually work and groups and discuss things.  We can use the board to share and explain things. It's more casual and comfortable and that lets me work better. Everyone will start laughing for no reason and I'll just be confused. 

For technology we have a lot. We have a lot of tools we use for labs and projects. We got beaker, test tubes microscopes, etc. I look forward to to learning about different animals and how their grouped. I'd also like to learn about evolution and how creatures live and changed. There's probably some other things but I can't think of any. I'm really enjoy her class and are looking forward to the rest o the year.

Her Website

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life Armour Pod

Life Armor Disaster Shelter
This pod, developed by the Japenese company Pond, Protects the user in case of tsunamis or other disasters. It was created after the large tsunami and earthquake hit Japan last year. The spherical pod made of reinforced plastic can shelter up to four people from outside disasters. The pod itself is four feet in diameter and weighs 175 pounds with urethane foam walls to prevent injury. It floats, is fireproof and can sustain over nine tons of pressure. (the equivalent of two elephants falling from the sky) The inside features GPS, solar panels, storage compartments, batteries, a life jacket, a megaphone and stored food. These can be purchased for around five thousand dollars in a variety of colors. (Getting Barbie Pink)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I have nothing to share on 9/11 since I was too young to remember it. My siblings tell me that when it happened the school was evacuated and they went home early. My mom drove up to the school as fast as she could to get them. Reading about it online and watching it on video you get a feel for what it like but i'll never know  Although now it is simply a day to feel for the lives that were lost.